24-25 Athletic Handbook – Philosophy and guidelines of athletics at CCA
Fall Athletes, Current Winter Athletes – Spring Sports Info and Paperwork
New Athletes – Spring Sports Info and Paperwork
Requirements for Participation:
In order to participate on an athletic team at CCA, the following must be done.
The PIAA Physical form can be found under forms & links this must be completed by a Licensed Physician before your student athlete may participate in any practices. This form will be for all athletes 6th through 12th grades interested in trying out for any Calvary sports team.
If your child plays more than one sport during the same school year, prior to starting their next sport they must hand in a Re-Certification form (Section 7 of the PIAA Physical). This form requires a parent signature and will ask if medical conditions/injuries have taken place since the athlete’s initial physical was completed. If nothing has changed, your athlete does not need to see their physician again, but does still need to hand in the form to the Athletic Office with a parent signature. If an injury has occurred since the initial physical (ex: concussion, broken bone, etc.), your athlete would need physician to fill out Section 8 of the PIAA Physical and hand that in to the Athletic Office as well. These forms can be found on the “Forms” page, or in the Athletic Office.
Athletic Fee:
A fee is to be paid for each sport played at the junior and senior high level. This fee is used to offset the cost of operating an interscholastic sports program. The athletic fee for each season is due on the first day of practice; no student will be permitted to practice without the submission of the athletic fee. You will receive a refund check if your athlete does not make the team. Students who quit after the first game or are placed on academic probation after the first game will not have the athletic fee refunded.
Academic Progress:
A student athlete must maintain satisfactory progress in all courses of study. A student will become ineligible if they have earned below a 65 in one of the following core subjects: English, history, science or math. Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of the grading period, and shall be reported on a weekly basis. If a student is failing a core course on any Friday, he/she will be ineligible to participate in his/her sport from the following Sunday through Saturday. If the cumulative grade is a 65% or higher by the next Friday, he/she may resume participation.
At the end of the marking period, if a student has failed any of the four core subjects, or a language course (64% or lower) or has two Ds (65%-69%) in any of the four core subjects, he/she will be ineligible to participate in sports for fifteen school days beginning on the day grades handed to the students.
At the end of the school year, the student’s yearly and/or quarterly average grade in the core subjects shall be used to determine the student’s eligibility for the upcoming fall season. Students whose work does not meet the standards provided but attend summer school and correct their deficiencies, shall be eligible.
A student may be removed from a team and from further participation for serious or repeated behavior problems. Such a student will be eligible to participate again only after the principal grants permission. Student athletes that are suspended are likewise suspended from all activities for the duration of the suspension.
Athletes who are removed from a team for academic or behavioral reasons will not be eligible for awards at the conclusion of the season.
Practice and Contest Participation Policy:
Joining a team is a commitment! Should some event other than absence from school, cause you to miss a practice or contest you should notify your coach in advance. Each coach will determine the specific guidelines for the team.
Excused absence from a team is understood to be any excused school absence or any absence pre-excused by the coach. All other absences from practice or contests will be considered unexcused. An unexcused absence from practice or contest will result in the athlete sitting out all or a portion of the next contest. Sitting out requires that the athlete be at the contest but may not participate. A second unexcused absence will require a meeting with the athletic director to determine if the athlete may remain with the team. A third unexcused absence will result in automatic removal from the team.
Lateness to practice may result in the athlete not starting or having playing time reduced. Repeated lateness will be handled in the same manner as unexcused absences.
CCA does have Saturday contests and contests that are played over school vacation periods. All athletes are expected to attend these contests. Season schedules are available at the beginning of each season but are tentative and subject to change.
Dan McGuigan: Athletic Director
Phone: 215.969.2404 ext. 264
Caitlin George: Asst. Athletic Director
Phone: 215.969.2404 ext. 260