Elementary Music (Pre-K through 5th grade)
“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1
Music is a modality through which we can praise and worship our God and Creator. It is a means of communicating the greatness and glory of God not only to Him, but also a means to communicate about Him to others. CCA recognizes the importance of music in the lives of our students. Through music instruction, we seek to teach our students the attributes of God through comprehension of the lyrics of the Psalms of David and through other songs of worship. Classical music is introduced and themes are analyzed. Research attests to the impact of music education on language development and increased brain activity. CCA values the impact of music in our students’ spiritual and academic lives and seeks to provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in music while in school. From music classes to Christmas and spring concerts, to the upper elementary school choir, students have many opportunities for music learning and expression at Calvary Christian Academy.
Jr./Sr. High School Choir (7th through 12th grade)
“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:1-2
“The human voice is the most beautiful instrument in the world (Richard Strauss).” At CCA, we consider it a privilege and blessing to express the beauty of the Lord, His creation and “proclaim the good news of His salvation (Ps. 96:2)” through singing together in a chorus. We encourage each student to develop the talent they have been given and learn vocal techniques which can enhance their natural abilities. During the class we have times of prayer, vocal warm-ups and practicing of multi-part music. Moving, breathing and singing as a unit are important preparatory activities for blended singing and corporate worship. While it is humbling to conform to the greater blend and unified sound of the choral group, it also draws the student to the heart of the Lord as the multitude of voices is raised to heaven as a sweet sound in His ear.
CCA recognizes the importance of music in the lives of our students. Research attests to the impact of music education on academic achievement. CCA values the impact of music in our students’ spiritual and academic lives and seeks to provide multiple opportunities to engage in music at school and through outreach activities. We also support the countenance and attitude of the choir toward the audience during every performance. It is our desire to bless people and lift them up out of their ordinary stations in life and allow them to freely worship the Lord within their own hears as they listen to our songs.”

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM