Welcome to Calvary Christian Academy!
CCA was founded as an educational ministry of Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia as an addendum to the Christian home. It is our desire to partner with you in raising your child up in the Lord to be a transforming influence in this world. Our main goal is to graduate disciples of Christ with sound minds, strong character and humble hearts that seek to serve others. Therefore, acceptance is based upon evidence that parents and student share in our mission. In order to share in our mission, it is vital that one parent of the applicant is able to provide a clear profession of faith in Jesus Christ. It is also important that the parent and applicant’s lifestyle display evidence of a desire to abide by the teaching of Scripture. For our partnership to be successful and effective, parents must understand and commit to the purpose of Calvary Christian Academy which is to provide children with a Christ-centered education acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every subject taught and in every area of living.
Student Application
As a private school, we require all of our students to go through an application process before entering the school. The purpose of this application process is to be sure that we will be able to meet the child’s needs. Once the school has received an application that is completed in its entirety, the administration reviews the application and the family will be contacted to set up an interview. An application can be downloaded from the website. All inquiries can be sent by e-mail.
Applications and forms for Prospective Students

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM