Welcome to Calvary Christian Academy Athletics
2019 Spring Sports Deadlines and Information
Calvary has a full extracurricular program available to students. This program includes after school clubs in the elementary and a full interscholastic sports program in the Junior and Senior high. The sports program is a part of the PIAA Bicentennial League and includes approximately a dozen varsity level interscholastic sports teams.
If you need to contact a coach, you may call the Athletic Office at 215-969-2404 ext. 264 or e-mail Athletic Director Shawn Bramble (sbramble@ccphilly.org).
For up to date sports information, please check our sports scheduling website at ccacougarathletics.org/. If you are not currently receiving the “Sports for the Day/Week” emails from the Athletic Office and would like to stay informed, please email Caitlin George (cgeorge@ccphilly.org).
All 6th-12th grade students are permitted and encouraged to try out for a team. Please read below for a list of important upcoming dates and requirements for any athlete planning on trying out for a Spring Sport in the 2018-2019 school year. Please keep in mind that starting dates are tentative and may change (field/court conditions, weather, etc.).
Middle School Spring Sports offered (6th-8th grade): Baseball, Softball
Varsity/JV Spring Sports offered (9th-12th grade): Baseball, Softball, Track
Spring Sports Start Dates (Subject to Change)
Varsity/JV Baseball, Softball, Track: Monday, March 4th, 2019
Middle School Baseball, Softball: Monday, March 11th, 2019
Deadline for Spring Sports Registration Form/Paperwork:
Friday, February 22nd, 2019
All forms can be found on our website or at the Athletic Office
In order to try out for a spring sport, your athlete must have the following items handed in:
- Registration Form
- Commitment Contract (page 2 of the Registration Form)
- PIAA Physical (Sections 1-5 can be filled out by a parent, section 6 must be filled out by a Doctor. The PIAA physical is the only physical that will be accepted. The Physical must be dated on or after June 1st, 2018.
If a student already played a fall and/or winter sport this school year their physical is already on file in the Athletic Office, but we still do need the Registration Form, Commitment Contract, and Re-Certification Form (section 7 of the PIAA Physical) filled out by a parent/guardian along with the Athletic Fee. A doctor does not need to fill out the Re-Certification form unless something has changed between the initial physical (section 6) such as a concussion, broken bone, etc. Students without complete paperwork and fees handed in by the due date will not be able to tryout.
- Athletic Fee: $175.00- Cash or check only (please make checks payable to Calvary Christian Academy)
In addition to the paperwork, there is another mandatory item that must be completed. On Monday, February 25th @ 3:30PM in the CPAC, we will be holding a Concussion Seminar along with impact testing for all Middle School and High School Winter Sport athletes. Athletes MUST attend and will not be permitted to practice if they have not attended the seminar and completed impact testing. Parents are encouraged and welcome to attend as well. This Seminar date is subject to change.
*If your athlete attended the Seminar and completed the Impact Test already this school year for their fall and/or winter sport, they do not need to attend.
Daily Sports Information
For up to date sports information, please check our sports scheduling website at ccacougarathletics.org/. If you are not currently receiving the “Sports for the Day/Week” emails from the Athletic Office and would like to stay informed, please email cgeorge@ccphilly.org.
Contact Information
Shawn Bramble – Athletic Director
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 264
Caitlin Bramble – Assistant A.D.
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 260
Requirements for Participation:
In order to participate on an athletic team at CCA, the following must be done.
The PIAA Physical form can be found under forms & links this must be completed by a Licensed Physician before your student athlete may participate in any practices. This form will be for all athletes 6th through 12th grades interested in trying out for any Calvary sports team.
If your child plays more than one sport during the same school year, prior to starting their next sport they must hand in a Re-Certification form (Section 7 of the PIAA Physical). This form requires a parent signature and will ask if medical conditions/injuries have taken place since the athlete’s initial physical was completed. If nothing has changed, your athlete does not need to see their physician again, but does still need to hand in the form to the Athletic Office with a parent signature. If an injury has occurred since the initial physical (ex: concussion, broken bone, etc.), your athlete would need physician to fill out Section 8 of the PIAA Physical and hand that in to the Athletic Office as well. These forms can be found on the “Forms” page, or in the Athletic Office.
Athletic Fee:
A fee of $175 ($200 for Cheer) is to be paid for each sport played at the junior and senior high level. This fee is used to offset the cost of operating an interscholastic sports program. The athletic fee for each season is due on the first day of practice; no student will be permitted to practice without the submission of the athletic fee. You will receive a refund check if your athlete does not make the team. Students who quit after the first game or are placed on academic probation after the first game will not have the athletic fee refunded.
Academic Progress:
A student athlete must maintain satisfactory progress in all courses of study. A student will become ineligible if they have earned below a 65 in one of the following core subjects: English, history, science or math. Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of the grading period, and shall be reported on a weekly basis. If a student is failing a core course on any Friday, he/she will be ineligible to participate in his/her sport from the following Sunday through Saturday. If the cumulative grade is a 65% or higher by the next Friday, he/she may resume participation.
At the end of the marking period, if a student has failed any of the four core subjects, or a language course (64% or lower) or has two Ds (65%-69%) in any of the four core subjects, he/she will be ineligible to participate in sports for fifteen school days beginning on the day grades handed to the students.
At the end of the school year, the student’s yearly and/or quarterly average grade in the core subjects shall be used to determine the student’s eligibility for the upcoming fall season. Students whose work does not meet the standards provided but attend summer school and correct their deficiencies, shall be eligible.
A student may be removed from a team and from further participation for serious or repeated behavior problems. Such a student will be eligible to participate again only after the principal grants permission. Student athletes that are suspended are likewise suspended from all activities for the duration of the suspension.
Athletes who are removed from a team for academic or behavioral reasons will not be eligible for awards at the conclusion of the season.
Practice and Contest Participation Policy:
Joining a team is a commitment! Should some event other than absence from school, cause you to miss a practice or contest you should notify your coach in advance. Each coach will determine the specific guidelines for the team.
Excused absence from a team is understood to be any excused school absence or any absence pre-excused by the coach. All other absences from practice or contests will be considered unexcused. An unexcused absence from practice or contest will result in the athlete sitting out all or a portion of the next contest. Sitting out requires that the athlete be at the contest but may not participate. A second unexcused absence will require a meeting with the athletic director to determine if the athlete may remain with the team. A third unexcused absence will result in automatic removal from the team.
Lateness to practice may result in the athlete not starting or having playing time reduced. Repeated lateness will be handled in the same manner as unexcused absences.
CCA does have Saturday contests and contests that are played over school vacation periods. All athletes are expected to attend these contests. Season schedules are available at the beginning of each season but are tentative and subject to change.
Daily Sports Information
For up to date sports information, please check our sports scheduling website at http://ccacougarathletics.org/. If you are not currently receiving the “Sports for the Day/Week” emails from the Athletic Office and would like to stay informed, please email cgeorge@ccphilly.org.
Calvary Christian Academy Sports Teams by Season I Click Here
Contact Information
Shawn Bramble – Athletic Director
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 264
Caitlin Bramble – Assistant A.D.
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 260
Athletic Fee:
A fee of $175 ($200 for Cheerleading) is to be paid for each sport played at the Junior and Senior High level. This fee is used to offset the cost of operating an interscholastic sports program. The athletic fee for each season is due on the first day of tryouts; no student will be permitted to tryout without the submission of the athletic fee. You will receive a refund check if your athlete does not make the team.
17-18 CCA Registration and Commitment Forms These forms MUST be completed in full and submitted along with the PIAA Physical and Athletic Fee before an athlete may begin tryouts for each season of participation.
17-18 PIAA Physical – Required for all sports. Section 6 must be dated and signed by a Licensed Physician on/after June 1st of each school year (For the 17-18 school year, all Physicals must be dated on or after 6/1/17).
Re-Certification Form – In place of the PIAA Physical, this form must be submitted for athletes who have already played a sport within the same school year (this would not apply to athletes who are registering for a fall sport)
Dual Sports Participation Form – This form MUST be completed for any athlete who is planning on playing two sports within one season. This includes athletes who are playing a sport for CCA and a sport outside of school.
Athletic Handbook – Philosophy and guidelines of athletics at CCA
Daily Sports Information
For up to date sports information, please check our sports scheduling website at http://ccacougarathletics.org/. If you are not currently receiving the “Sports for the Day/Week” emails from the Athletic Office and would like to stay informed, please email cgeorge@ccphilly.org.
Calvary Christian Academy Sports Teams by Season I Click Here
Contact Information
Shawn Bramble – Athletic Director
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 264
Caitlin Bramble – Assistant A.D.
Click here to e-mail
215-969-2404 ext. 260
Buck & Tomlinson Roads, Bryn Athyn, PA
(215) 947-4200
4319 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 19020
(215) 750-2800
click here
Track, Basketball & Football:
Wilson & Garfield Street, Bristol, PA
(215) 781-1050
Baseball & Softball Field: click here
Beaver & Jefferson Streets, Bristol PA
Field Hockey :420 Buckley Road (fields behind building) click here
(215) 781-1050
click here
1380 S. Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA
(215) 368-1100
click here
Soccer: Burholme Park: Cottman & Central Ave. Philadelphia PA
(215) 725-3383
2450 Hamilton Ave Abington PA 19001
1100 E. Erie Ave. Phila, PA
462 Malin Road, Newtown Square, PA
(610) 353-6522
MS Baseball: click here
Troop Field- Ellis Ave & Bishop Hollow Road Newtown Square PASoftball: click here
Gable Field- Ellis Ave & Bishop Hollow Road Newtown Square PA
363 N. Valley Forge Rd, Devon, PA 19333Cross Country is at Malvern Prep: click here
418 S. Warren Ave. Malvern PA 19355
31 W. Colter Street Philadelphia, PA 19144
(215) 951-2300
Softball: click here
Wissahickon & Walnut Sts in Philadelphia PA 19144Soccer & Baseball: click here
2823 Midvale Ave 19129
2429 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 19020
(215) 639-4028Tennis plays at Frosty Hollow Tennis Center: click here
4503 New Falls Road Levittown PA 19056
730 Norristown Road Warminster PA
6433 Mount Vista Road, Kingsville MD 21087
1800 E Byberry Road, Philadelphia PA 19116Soccer: click here
Lighthouse~ Roosevelt Blvd & Southampton Road
Baseball & Softball: click here
Boyle Recreation Center; Byberry & Stevens
Basketball: click here
at the school
Football Stadium:
N. Lafayette Ave. & W. Hendrickson AveBasketball, Soccer, Field Hockey & MS Baseball/Softball: click here
550 West Palmer Avenue Morrisville, PA 19067
(215) 736-5260
Varsity Baseball & Softball: click here
Williamson Park 639 N Delmorr Ave.
Knights & Chalfont Philadelphia PA 19154
1260 Fort Washington Avenue Fort Washington, PA
112 W Delaware Ave Pennington NJ 08534-1601
50 W. Germantown Pike- Norristown PA 19401
50 E Paletown Rd Quakertown, PA 18951
7613 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027
330 Hulmeville Road Bensalem PA 19020
1801 Papermill Rd. Erdenheim Pa 19038
1901 E. Papermill Rd. Oreland PA 19075
Soccer plays at Philly Soccer Club off Thorton Road
873 S Hanover St Pottstown PA 19465-7521
To Calvary Philly: 13500 Philmont Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116 (Basketball and Football)
From I-95
I-95 to Woodhaven Exit – Route #63. Follow Road until it dead-ends , all traffic forced to make a left hand turn (Evans St.) Brings you to a light (Byberry Road) and a dead-end, make a right on Byberry Road. Travel on Byberry for 5-6 lights depending if one is blinking, road bears to the left. You will pass over Bustleton Avenue Pass over Railroad tracks next light – Philmont Avenue (WaWa food market on corner), make a right – Philmont Avenue. Church is approximately 1/2 mile down the road.
From Pennsylvania Turnpike
Leave the turnpike at Philadelphia Exit 351, the old exit 28. After the toll booth take the right ramp to US 1 South. Almost immediately there will be an exit ramp for Street Road West. Take this ramp and set your odometer to 0.0. In 2.2 miles you will reach the intersection of Street Road and Bustleton Avenue. Turn Left onto Bustleton and follow directions below.
From US Route 1
Take Route 1 to the area near the Neshaminy Mall. Exit Route 1 at Street Road West and set your odometer to 0.0. In 2.2 miles you will reach the intersection of Street Road and Bustleton Avenue. Turn Left onto Bustleton and follow directions below.
From The Doylestown Area
Take route 611 South past the Warrington Motor Lodge. Make a left on Street Road East. Stay on Street Road about 9 miles and begin to look for a K-Mart on your right side. the first traffic light after the K-Mart is where Street Road crosses Bustleton Avenue in Feasterville. Turn right onto Bustleton and follow directions below.
On Bustleton Avenue
Once you have turned onto Bustleton from Street Road you will go one block and hit your first traffic light. Stay on Bustleton until your 4th light. This is Philmont Avenue. make a right on Philmont. The church is 1/4 mile on left.
Somerton Athletic Field: 1400 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19116 (Soccer, Baseball and Softball)
From CCA
Make a right onto Philmont Ave. and a right on to Bustleton Ave. Make a l;eft at the first traffic light onto Poquessing Ave. The name will change to Edison Ave. Stay on Edison Ave. until it dead ends into Southampton Rd. Make a right onto Southampton Rd. Go three blocks and you’ll see the fields on the right.
From the PA Turnpike
Take exit 28 to Philadelphia. Take Route 1 South and make a right on Southampton Rd. The fields are on your left.
From Route 1 North
Stay in the inner lanes and make a left onto Southampton Rd. The fields are on your left.
From Route 1 South
Make a right on Southampton Rd. The fields are on your left.
From I-95
Take the Woodhaven Rd exit West. Take Route 1 North. Follow the directions from above.
Bicentennial Athletic League – Site for the League that CCA is a part of. Please view for up-to-date scores, standings, and news pertaining to the BAL.
PIAA – This is the governing body of Pennsylvania high school athletics.
District One – Site is for district one of the PIAA. All playoff information can be found on this site.
NCAA Clearinghouse – any student who plans on participating in NCAA collegiate athletics must be cleared through the NCAA eligibility center at this site. This should be done by the end of their junior year.
Concussion Educational Tools – site from CHOP that has good information on concussions.
Calvary Christian Academy is a proud member of the Bicentennial Athletic League. Formed in 1976 the BAL’s purpose is to develop measures of understanding and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity pertaining to administrators, coaches, student athletes, students, spectators, and officials. Calvary Christian Academy joined the BAL in 2003.
Member Schools of the Bicentennial League:
Bristol High School
Calvary Baptist School
Calvary Christian Academy
Christopher Dock High School
Church Farm School
Delaware County Christian School
Devon Preparatory School
Faith Christian Academy
Holy Ghost Preparatory School
Jenkintown High School
Lower Moreland High School
Morrisville High School
MaST Community Charter School
New Hope-Solebury High School
Phil-Mont Christian Academy
Plumstead Christian School
The Christian Academy
Fall Sports:
Boys Varsity Soccer
Boys MS Soccer
Girls Varsity Soccer
Girls MS Soccer
Co-Ed Cross Country
Girls Varsity Tennis
Girls Varsity Cheerleading
Winter Sports:
Boys MS Basketball
Girls MS Basketball
Boys JV and Varsity Basketball
Girls JV and Varsity Basketball
Girls Varsity Cheerleading
Spring Sports:
Co-Ed Varsity Track
Boys Varsity Baseball
Boys MS Baseball
Girls Varsity Softball
Girls MS Softball

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM