Jr./Sr. High School Drama (7th through 12th grade)
“The LORD God has given me the tongue of the learned that I might speak a word in season to him that is weary.” Isaiah 50:4
Drama classes at CCA provide a platform for our students to learn their way around the stage, work with peers who are like-minded and have “instrument” lessons using bodies, minds, and voices. The LORD wants us to be used for His intentions whether we are sharing our testimonies, sharpening our communication skills, introducing a character in a play or giving a speech. Godly theatre is purposeful for presenting Bible lessons, historical fiction, children’s plays and poetry, and other genres of theatre. The art of theatrical entertainment is a joy for the audience as well as the actors.
Research has shown that drama classes have positively impacted students through increased self-esteem, the ability to better identify and empathize with others, think creatively, express creativity and work within a team effectively. Within our classes, students are exposed to proper stage and body positions, interpretation of the scripts, character analysis and development, poise and effective communication. Non-traditional performances for children and adults are incorporated into the curriculum as well as an annual Spoken Word Poetry Slam with each student presenting his/her original performance poems.
We are grateful to God for the many gifts and talents he has given to each student and there are no limitations on His blessings when we trust in the gifts which have been given.

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM