Elementary Band (4th through 6th grade)
“Sing unto Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.”
Jesus is the reason for the joyful noise that bursts forth from Calvary’s Performing Arts Center. Music is a gift and the aim of our band program is to acknowledge, appreciate and develop the God given talents of our students in the area of instrumental music. Music is one of the few things we do on earth that Scripture tells us we will do in heaven. With this in mind, we encourage our students to praise and worship God now through instrumental music and to consider the glory and honor that brings Him.
At CCA we praise and honor God not only through the making of music, but through all the benefits that making music affords. Band in particular fosters teamwork, discipline, self-confidence and extends our students’ learning through the increased brain activity that the making of music promotes.
CCA offers elementary band at the following levels:
- 4th-6th grade beginner band
- 5th-6th grade advanced band
- 6th grade jazz band
Our elementary students are introduced to band instruments at the end of third grade by CCA’s Senior High Jazz Band. They play songs and demonstrate the different instruments for our third graders to see, hear and enjoy. This performance inspires the third graders and builds excitement for the students to enroll in band in the fall of fourth grade. Participation in elementary band is open to students in fourth through sixth grades. Students at the beginning level, generally our fourth grade students, are taught the language of music and the basics of reading music and theory. Second and third year players are introduced to sheet music, playing with harmonies, intonation, playing in tune and balancing their sound with the others in the band. When students reach sixth grade they have the choice to audition for jazz band. Within jazz band, the students are introduced to the 12-bar blues chord progression. They begin the process of improvising the Blues Scale and experience the joy of creating their own unique sounds. The study of jazz in the elementary school is kept to the genre of swing. All our band students participate in the Christmas and spring concerts.
Jr./Sr. High School Band (7th through 12th grade)
Psalm 98:4-7 states: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth; make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Sing unto the Lord with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and a sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.”
Jesus is the reason for the joyful noise that bursts forth from Calvary’s Performing Arts Center. Music is a gift and the aim of our band program is to acknowledge, appreciate and develop the God-given talents of our students in the area of instrumental music. Our target is to glorify the Lord in all we do. At CCA we honor and praise God not only through the making of music but through all the benefits that making music affords. Band, in particular, fosters teamwork, discipline, self-confidence and extends our students’ learning through the increased brain activity that the making of music promotes.
CCA offers band at the following levels:
- 7th-8th-grade concert band
- 7th-8th-grade jazz band
- 9th-12th-grade concert band
- 9th-12th-grade jazz band
Students enrolled in CCA band classes are able to develop their instrumental skills and hone their ability to read rhythms. They will increase their understanding of music theory with each year of study as well as improve and extend their concentration and listening skills. Students have ample opportunities to perform their repertoire of musical literature at such locations as theme parks (Cedar Point, Hershey Park, Busch Gardens) for festival competitions, the ACSI Fine Arts Festival, as well as through in house performances and outreach opportunities. Music is a unifying language that can minister to souls, express the glory of God and enrich our lives. CCA values the impact of music education on the lives of our students.

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM