Welcome to Calvary Christian Academy
CCA was founded as an educational ministry of Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia as an addendum to the Christian home. It is our desire to partner with you in raising your child up in the Lord to be a transforming influence in this world. CCA’s faculty and staff strongly desire to be instruments in God’s hands to model minds passionate about learning, knowing that God’s truth is a powerful way in which our students can be an influence for Christ in their communities. It is our objective to graduate disciples of Christ with sound minds, strong character and humble hearts that seek to serve others.
We invite you to come experience the unique, familial, God-centered learning environment of Calvary Christian Academy. Call now to schedule a tour or download an application.
“We are so thankful for the amazing opportunity to have been a part of CCA these past two years. As a military family, we are grateful beyond words for a place that made us all feel accepted and known. To be known is a deep need inside each one of us…to feel a sense of community….to know that someone sees you among the others and cares for you. This is how my children feel when they attend school at Calvary. You know their names…you talk to them…you praise them for a job well done…you encourage and bless them each and every day. I cannot thank you enough for this treasure of being known. In addition to feeling at “home” at school, our children have greatly benefited from the extras the school has to offer. It is rare to have a Christian school with such a wide variety of classes and extracurricular activities to enjoy.”
-Former CCA Parent

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM