School: Calvary Christian Academy was founded in 1995 as the educational school ministry of Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia. The church pastoral staff is involved with the school and provides ministry to students through weekly chapels, daily Bible classes and counseling. CCA is a college preparatory school which seeks to provide opportunities for learners at all levels. As such we provide Advanced Placement courses, Honors Courses, College Prep Courses and Basic Skills courses. 85% of our graduates continue their academic studies at 2 or 4-year universities, while 15% choose to serve our country in the military or enter the work force.
Mission: CCA exists to provide students with a clear and sound education and biblical worldview. With this worldview they will see that the disciplines of math, science, history and language are but a mere platform for believers to express the goodness of God, the truth of His Word and to affect a Godly influence upon the world around them.
Students and Faculty: For the 2023-2024 school year, CCA is comprised 121 staff members and 906 students (PK-12). The class of 2024 contains 75 students. Our average class size in the Junior/Senior High School is 25 students and in the Elementary School it is at 25 students per class. Many of our teachers hold advanced degrees in the field of Education or their field of expertise.
Accreditation: Calvary Christian Academy is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools and Teachers and through the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Facilities: Calvary Christian Academy encompasses 80,000 square feet. The Junior/Senior High School has 29 classrooms and the Elementary has 24. Our facilities include administrative and guidance offices, four science lab classrooms, high school & elementary gymnasiums, a weight room, cafeteria, culinary arts room, auditorium, high school & elementary computer labs, library, a performing arts center, yearbook room, dance studio, high school & elementary art rooms and a nurse’s clinic. The parking lot in the back of the building is gated off as part of the Elementary playground.
Diversity: CCA is a diverse community. Our school population consists of 440 boys and 466 girls. 37.53% of our student body represents ethnic minorities. Calvary Christian Academy believes that an individual’s first responsibility is to the God of the Bible and that a person’s whole life should reflect His framework in a context of peace and selfless love. CCA asserts that a genuine love for and interaction with diverse peoples is a biblical mandate.

Jr./Sr. High: 215.969.2404
Fax: 215.969.9732
School Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM